Kirkennan Woodsedge
Wheelchair accessible holiday home in Dumfries and Galloway
South West Scotland

At Kirkennan we believe that everyone should be able to enjoy a holiday and within the constraints of an old building have worked to ensure that Woodsedge is as accessible as possible for your holiday home. Woodsedge sleeps up to 5 in 3 bedrooms and features:
- Level access to all rooms.
- A wet-room with grab rails and a choice of shower stool or shower chair.
- Optional removable toilet booster seat.
- Electric bed with raising head end, adjustable height and vibrate function which can be on either side of the room by request.
- Electric riser/recliner armchair
- Enclosed garden.
- Loan of mobility scooter.
- Perch stool in kitchen.
- A location within the landscaped gardens of Kirkennan Estate which are accessible by mobility scooter, as is the walled garden. [Please note that Jock's wood has mown grass tracks through it some of which have a camber. Some guests have found they can access some of it in fine weather using a mobility scooter but if the ground is muddy this is unlikely to be possible]
Woodsedge is also dog friendly with 3 dogs welcome free of charge.
Woodsedge is part of the converted stable block and not purpose built; some of the doorways are narrower than they would be in a purpose built accessible holiday home. It is guests' responsibility to check its suitability for their party. This full accessibility statement should help you make up your mind, but if you need more information we are more than happy to answer any questions you have.
More details about accessibility can be found in this independent blog written by Pamela Walker, a travel writer with a particular interest in this issue.
Wheelchairs can be borrowed and day care arranged with Dalbeattie Day Care Centre - details on accessibility statement.